
European RosettaCon on Nov 11-13, 2024


Conference Registration Information

Earlybird registration fees

Earlybird registration is now open and will remain open until August 31st, 2024. The cost for earlybird registration are:

  • Junior researchers: 125 DKK (approx. 17 EUR)
  • Group Leaders: 625 DKK (approx. 84 EUR)
  • Industry: 875 DKK (approx. 117 EUR)


Late registration fees

Late-registration will be open from September 1st, 2024 to October 1st, 2024. The cost for late registration will be:

  • Junior researchers: 350 DKK (aprox. 47 EUR)
  • Group Leaders: 1000 DKK (approx. 134 EUR)
  • Industry: 1000 DKK (approx. 134 EUR)


Dinner registration fees

A conference dinner will be held on Tuesday November 12th at Llama restaurant in Copenhagen. Please select the option for dinner if you wish to join. The deadline for dinner registration is October 1st and the cost will be:

  • Junior researchers: 100 DKK (approx. 14 EUR)
  • Group Leaders: 500 DKK (approx. 67 EUR)
  • Industry: 750 DKK (approx. 100 EUR)


Conference Support

Attendees who would like to apply for the Dependent Care Award can complete the application here:  Dependent Care Application

Attendees who will require a VISA support letter, should fill out the form here: Visa Letter Request Form


Rosetta Commons Code of Conduct

When you register to participate in the 2024 European Rosetta Conference, you must agree to adhere to the Rosetta Commons Code of Conduct.

You can read the code of conduct by clicking on this link.

If you need help with registration please Contact Us.


RosettaCon is a place where Rosetta Commons member laboratories and invited guests share their latest experimental and computational research breakthroughs in macromolecular engineering and structure prediction.

For more information about Rosetta Commons please go to the Rosetta Commons Website